In order to ensure the quality of services we provide to Skroutz visitors and display more accurate search results, the following products will not be shown:
Renewal Antivirus products
Individual software keys/licenses not officially provided by the manufacturer
Software that is not in Greek or English language
Software services
Warranty extensions
Storage Hard disk drives (HDD) smaller than 500GB (<=500GB)
USB flash drives with a capacity below 4GB
Memory cards with a capacity below 4GB
DDR2 RAM modules
Outdated processors
Electronic games and consoles
Electronic games, peripherals, and consoles of older technology, such as PS2, XBOX, Gamecube, Game Boy
Console or electronic game bundles that are not official bundles from the manufacturer
Electronic games without Greek or English covers and content
Used electronic games without clear indication in their title (e.g., used)
Keyboards or gaming keyboards (QWERTZ) or keyboards of different layouts and languages other than Greek or English (QWERTY) (including laptops)
Unpackaged products
Bulk/unpackaged/blister-packed Apple products
Batteries in wholesale packages (e.g., box of 50 pieces)
Photovoltaic panels in wholesale packages (e.g., box of 50 pieces)
Cables whose price does not correspond to the length specified in the title but to the price per meter
Refurbished/used products
Build-to-order products
Additionally, it is not possible to sort OEM products or products from manufacturers without an official page for the following categories:
Case fans
Hard disk drives (HDD)
Multimedia headsets
USB hubs
Alkaline batteries
PC bases and peripherals
Rechargeable batteries
Memory cards
Computer cases
PC microphones
Lithium batteries
Watch batteries
Computer power supplies