The products that belong to the category sunglasses must meet specific specifications.
Name (name)
The name/title of the product.
The title must include the important characteristics of the product, such as the Model Name and the lens type.
Specifically, the title of the product needs to include:
Model Name
According to the manufacturer, if available.
- Dior Direction 2 807/1I
- Meller Zareb All Black
The lens type
Polarized, mirror, gradient, if the information exists.
- Meller Chauen Amber Carbon Polarized
- Tommy Hilfiger TH1717/S ALZT4 Mirror
Image (image link)
The image of the product.
The photo must be representative of the product and clearly depict the entire displayed product, on a white or uniformly light-colored background, without shadows, logos, or watermarks.
The product depicted in the image must correspond to the product stated in the title and, by extension, to the product being sold, e.g., specific color, characteristics, etc. Indicatively, if the title states Meller Zareb All Black the main image must depict the product in black color.
General guidelines for images can be found here.
The part number of the product.
The part number is the unique number given by the manufacturer to the product and must be filled in complete, along with the color code, in the MPN field of the XML file or alternatively stated in the product title.
<name>Ray-Ban Clubmaster RB3016 1145/19 Mirror</name>
<MPN>RB3016 1145/19</MPN>
<name>Vogue VO5338S W656/13 Degrande</name>
<MPN>VO5338S W656/13</MPN>
Manufacturer (manufacturer)
The manufacturer of the product.
The manufacturer must be stated in the corresponding manufacturer field in the XML file. In these specific categories, products of unknown manufacturer (OEM) as well as products from uncertified manufacturers without an official page are not classified.
<name>Ray Ban Round Metal RB3447 001</name>
<manufacturer>Ray Ban</manufacturer>
Color (color)
The color of the product.
The color of the product must be filled in the color field of the XML file or alternatively in the product title and must be consistent with the color name given by the manufacturer. The color stated in the color field must exactly match the product color displayed in the main image. In the case that a product is available in different colors, it must be sent in separate entries per color in the XML file.
<name>Meller Karoo Tigris Carbon</name>
<name>Meller Karoo Amber Carbon</name>
Size (size)
The sizes of the product.
In the size field of the XML file, only the available sizes separated by commas must be sent and must match the corresponding sizes displayed on the product pagee-shop. Different entries per size or entries without available sizes are not acceptable.
Examples of the size field in XML
One entry per product model for each different color with all available sizes filled in the <size> field of the XML -
Ray Ban Original Wayfarer Classic RB2140 902
Vogue VO5338S W65613 Gradient<size>47mm, 50mm, 54mm</size>
<size>54mm, 56mm, 58mm</size>
Separate entries per size -
Ray Ban Original Wayfarer Classic RB2140 902 47mm
Ray Ban Original Wayfarer Classic RB2140 902 50mm<size></size>
It is recommended along with the fieldThe Size field should be filled in and the field Size Variations should be completed. The technical specifications for adding the new field to the XML are described in detail in the Skroutz XML data feed specification.
Additional images (additional image link)
The link with the additional photo of the product.
If you have more than one photo for the product, you should add them in a separate field of your XML. In the additional images, you can include different shooting angles or details of the product. The additional images should have at least one of the two dimensions larger than 1000 pixels.