Products belonging to the category Wireless Phones must meet specific specifications.
The name/title of the product
The title should include the significant features of the product.
Specifically, the title should mention:
- The manufacturer of the wireless phone:
Panasonic KX-TG6811 Wireless Phone with Open Listening Black
Philips D1601B/34 Wireless Phone Black
Gigaset A415A Wireless Phone with Open Listening White
- The Model name according to the manufacturer
Panasonic KX-TG6811 Wireless Phone with Open Listening Black
Philips D1601B/34 Wireless Phone Black
Gigaset A415A Wireless Phone with Open Listening White
- The language of the wireless phone menu
Panasonic KX-TG6811 Wireless Phone with Greek menu Black
Gigaset A415A Wireless Phone with English menu White
- The color of the wireless phone
Panasonic KX-TG6811 Wireless Phone with Open Listening Black
Philips D1601B/34 Wireless Phone Black
Gigaset A415A Wireless Phone with Open Listening White
The part number of the product
The part number is the unique number provided by the manufacturer for the product and must be filled in the MPN field in the XML file or alternatively be stated in the title of the product.
Examples of entries:
- <name>Panasonic KX-TG6811 Wireless Phone with Open Listening Black</name>
- <mpn>KX-TG6811GRB</mpn>
- <name>Philips D1601B/34 Wireless Phone Black</name>
- <mpn>D1601B-34</mpn>
EAN / Barcode
The international item number (EAN) defined by the manufacturer for each product must be filled in the EAN field in the XML file if available as information. If no EAN is provided by the manufacturer, then the field remains empty.
Examples of entries:
- <name>Panasonic KX-TG6811 Wireless Phone with Open Listening Black</name>
- <ean>5025232675326</ean>
- <name>Philips D1601B/34 Wireless Phone Black</name>
- <ean>4895229101012</ean>
The manufacturer of the product
The manufacturer can be stated in the corresponding manufacturer field in the XML file or in the title of your products. If the products are of unknown manufacturer, "OEM" needs to be stated in the corresponding field of the XML file.
- <name>Panasonic KX-TG6811 Wireless Phone with Open Listening Black</name>
- <manufacturer>Panasonic</manufacturer>
The image of the product
The photo must be professional, representative of the product, and clearly depict the entire displayed product, without shadows, logos, or watermarks.
General guidelines for images can be found here.
Additional Photos
If there are more than one photo available for the product, you should add them in a separate field of your XML. In additional photos, you can include different shooting angles or close-up photos to show material details of the product.